Cause of Heel Pain in Children

It isn’t uncommon for children to experience some heel pain as they grow up. For the most part the cause of heel pain is transient or can be treated with some physical therapy. With that said, it is also possible for children to sustain serious injuries to their heels. While causes may vary, all pediatric heel pain deserves your attention. So, what is the cause of heel pain in children?

Cause of Heel Pain in Children

Identifying Children’s Heel Pain

Children are learning to be people, and everything is new. That means that even some minor discomfort may register as serious pain if they have nothing to compare it to. Unfortunately, that means it can be very difficult to tell when your child is actually experiencing something more than temporary discomfort.

One easy way to differentiate between a child who is a little sore after an active day and a child with serious heel pain is to listen and pay attention. If your child is verbal, they will likely express that their heel hurts. Of course, that could mean a range of things, but you don’t want your child to feel like you aren’t listening to them.

Instead of questioning the validity of their statement, suggest taking some time to relax the heel. From there you can monitor your child’s behavior. Treating the foot gingerly, being less active, and repeating their complaints are all signs that you should meet with a pediatric foot and ankle doctor for heel pain treatment in Westlake.

Possible Causes of Your Child’s Heel Pain

There are a variety of possible causes for your child’s heel pain because they can injure themselves in the same way as an adult. With that said, there are a few causes that are more likely with children. These are the top contenders.

Sever’s Disease

If your child is athletic and between the ages of 7 and 15, there’s a very good chance that their heel pain could be related to Sever’s disease. Despite the scary name, Sever’s disease isn’t permanent or particularly serious.

It’s simply the result of a sudden growth spurt that has outpaced the tendons of your child’s foot and heel. Most children will feel better after taking it easy for just one week. In more serious cases, it may be necessary for your child to undergo physical therapy and wear orthotics.

Achilles Tendinitis

If your child has significantly increased their physical activity or taken up a new sport, then the cause of their heel pain may be Achilles tendonitis. This condition is a result of inflammation down the back of your child’s ankle and into their heel.

Taking some time to rest and wrapping the foot with a supportive bandage during activities are typically all that is needed to address Achilles tendinitis. If symptoms do not resolve within a week or so, talk to your child’s doctor.

Heel Fractures

Children break bones sometimes, and heel fractures don’t heal on their own. This is one of the reasons why you should never ignore your child’s heel pain. The good news is that some heel fractures can be healed with extensive rest and medication.

In more serious cases, you may need to consider foot keyhole surgery in CA to fix a complicated fracture. Obviously, your doctor’s priority is to offer your child a speedy recovery, and keyhole surgery may be the best option for you.

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)

JIA is far less common, but it does affect children. This form of arthritis is not the same as rheumatoid arthritis, but it can cause joint pain. While there isn’t a cure for JIA, your doctor will be able to use a combination of medication and physical therapy to maintain your child’s quality of life.

Dealing with Children’s Heel Pain

Ultimately, if your child appears to be in pain or is struggling to keep up with normal activities, you should always talk to your doctor. It may be nothing, but your child may also really need help.

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