How Do Orthotic Insoles Alleviate Heel Pain?

Heel pain is a common issue that has a severe impact on your daily life. No matter how active or sedentary you are, it is crucial to address the issue early on. Untreated heel pain can result in gait issues and decrease your overall quality of life. There are several effective treatment options to address heel pain, including the use of orthotic insoles. Today, the Heel Pain Institute of California explains how orthotic insoles alleviate heel pain.


How Do Orthotic Insoles Alleviate Heel Pain?

Orthotic insoles are specially designed shoe inserts. They are customized to meet your unique needs, and their customizability makes them one of the top heel pain treatment options. Custom orthotics offer several benefits and can alleviate unwanted symptoms. Consider the following ways orthotic insoles alleviate heel pain.


Provides Arch Support

Issues with your arch are often the cause of heel pain. Two arch issues that commonly cause heel pain are having feet that are too flat or arches that are too high. Both of these issues can impact foot alignment and lead to serious adverse symptoms. If left untreated, the issue only worsens and can impact your gait.

Orthotics effectively provide the support your arches need. Lifting and supporting the arches of your feet leads to better weight distribution, which reduces the pressure on your heel to reduce pain. Getting treatment early on is key to ensuring your daily life is not negatively impacted. Conservative treatments like insoles are the first step. However, in some cases, more aggressive treatment, like surgery, may be necessary. Consult with a skilled podiatrist at a non-invasive heel surgery center for their expert guidance. 


Absorbs Shock

Your feet take a lot of impact as you move around. Walking, running, and even standing put pressure on your feet. Providing your feet with the right support is essential. Custom insoles are excellent at absorbing that shock to allow you to move around more easily and with less pain. This ultimately softens the impact on your heels every time you walk, run, or stand for long periods. However, several factors can exacerbate the shock. Excess weight, foot arch issues, and overworked feet can increase heel pain. 


Relieve Pressure on the Heel

While the pressure of your steps impacts your entire foot, your heel takes the brunt of the impact. For those who stand for long periods at work or live extremely active lifestyles, it is important to thoroughly care for your feet. This is especially true when it comes to preserving the health and comfort of your heels. Supportive shoes are a helpful and necessary factor, but they may not be enough on their own. 

Custom orthotics are designed to relieve heel pressure in a way that well-made shoes alone cannot. They come with heel cups or pads that provide additional support and comfort. They can include cushions to cradle your heel, reduce pressure, and alleviate any pain. These effects are especially beneficial for those suffering from plantar fasciitis. If you have plantar fasciitis, avoid postponing your treatment and consult with a podiatrist about your heel pain. They can diagnose the issue and provide you with an effective treatment option. 


Correct Your Alignment Issues

Foot alignment issues are common and can impact your heel. Common issues include your feet rolling inward too much. Alternatively, they may not roll enough. This can lead to a lot of uneven pressure on your heel, which can cause severe pain and impact your gait.

Custom orthotics effectively address alignment issues. They support your feet and help them rest in a neutral position by ensuring your body weight is distributed more evenly. This reduces unnecessary stress on both your heel and other parts of your feet, as well as the rest of your body. 


Non-Invasive Heel Surgery Center

Contact the Heel Pain Institute of California today if you have untreated heel pain!


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