Recovery Timeline for Keyhole Surgery for Heel Spurs

Heel spurs are painful growths found on your heel bone. They can cause unwanted symptoms that impact your life, including discomfort, swelling, and inflammation. If left untreated, heel spurs can cause further issues and severely affect your gait. Treatment for heel spurs can vary depending on their severity. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary, in which case your doctor would likely recommend keyhole surgery, as it is highly effective in removing bone spurs. Below, you will find more information about the recovery timeline for keyhole surgery for heel spurs.


Recovery Timeline for Keyhole Surgery for Heel Spurs

Keyhole surgery for heel spurs is a minimally invasive surgery. It is beneficial for those with bone spurs as it removes the heel spurs. It also ensures that you no longer have the unwanted symptoms associated with bone spurs. The recovery timeline varies from patient to patient. It can take weeks to months as it is a gradual recovery process. Resting the first few days after the surgery is critical. You should also avoid putting weight on the foot. Elevating the foot is also necessary. Using a cold compress and taking the prescribed medication can make the first few days manageable.

After the first week, you can use a walker or crutches to get around. Bearing weight on your foot this early can impact your recovery, so it is important to speak with your surgeon about your progress in recovery. Many patients are able to put weight on their feet by the third or fourth week. You should be able to get back to most of your daily routine after the first month. The most important part of the recovery process is taking things slow. Work closely with your surgeon to ensure that you effectively manage your recovery process. 


Recovery Tips After Keyhole Surgery for Heel Spurs

Keyhole surgery is a highly effective treatment for heel spurs. It is a minimally invasive heel treatment that can get you back to your daily life with ease. Consider the following tips to ensure your recovery is smooth.


Take Your Prescribed Medication

Your healthcare provider will prescribe medication as you recover. Be sure to take your prescribed medication. You may be given a prescription, or it may be over-the-counter medication. The medication is helpful as you will experience some discomfort and soreness after the surgery. However, if the medication does not help or if the pain gets worse, let your doctor know right away.


Focus on Resting

The best way to get back to full health is to focus on resting, especially during the first week after surgery. Watch your favorite TV shows, read a good book, and sleep as often as you can. This downtime will allow your body to get the necessary amount of rest to heal your feet. Even after the first week, slowly progress back into your daily routine and only do so with the approval of your surgeon.


Attend Follow-up Appointments

You will have appointments after your surgery to ensure your recovery is on track. Attend all of your follow-up appointments. Avoiding this can impact your surgical results and your recovery process. Staying in close communication with your surgical and physical therapy team is the key to a full recovery.


Minimally Invasive Heel Treatment

Heel pain can be debilitating and negatively impact your daily life. If you experience heel pain, discomfort, swelling, or inflammation, contact a podiatrist right away. The team at Heel Pain Institute of California is skilled in minimally invasive heel treatments. We can assess your heel pain and provide you with an effective treatment plan. Contact our team today to schedule an appointment! 

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