Can Heel Pain Be a Sign of Cancer?

Heel pain is an incredibly common condition that can take many different forms. More often than not, heel pain is a mild issue that doesn’t indicate any serious maladies at play. Can heel pain be a sign of cancer?

However, sometimes heel pain can be indicative of some very serious conditions, including plantar fasciitis. In very rare occasions, heel pain can be a signal of an underlying cancer. A specialist can help you to identify whether or not this is the case.

Can Heel Pain Be a Sign of Cancer?

If you’re experiencing heel pain that you think might be a sign of developing cancer, take a look at this overview discussing the subject.

Different Types of Heel Pain

There are several types of heel pain, and many of the types find their origin from various causes. Conditions such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis are among the most common types of heel pain.

All of these types of heel pain carry with them their own set of nuances and treatment options. Correctly identifying the source of your heel pain can help you and your physician make the correct treatment course for rectifying your issue.

Common Sources of Heel Pain

As stated before, there are many different types of heel pain. Some of the following conditions are among the most common sources for experiencing this type of pain:

  • Heel spurs: These are bony growths that develop on the underside of an individual’s heel bones.
  • Achilles tendinitis: This is an inflammatory condition that affects the Achilles tendon.
  • Plantar fasciitis: A condition that causes inflammation in the plantar fascia, which is a band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes
  • Stress fractures: This is a break in the bone caused by repetitive stress by overuse.
  • Nerve irritation: This is a compression or irritation of the nerves in the foot

Consulting with your physician should help you identify the exact source of your heel pain and move forward with the correct treatment plan.

Cancer and Heel Pain

Heel pain can be indicative of developing cancer. However, this is rarely the only symptom that a patient will experience if they are developing cancer. Instead, it should be accompanied by other symptoms that are commonly experienced by patients with cancer. Some of the other warning signs that you should stay wary of include:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Changes in bowel movements
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in bladder habits

Heel pain is typically experienced as a symptom of cancer if the cancer has spread to the bones and begun to affect the muscular-skeletal system. In addition, cancer can impact the various physical systems of the body in different ways. This means that a cancer that impacts one part of the body may impact another in an unexpected fashion.

Diagnosing Cancer-Related Heel Pain

At times, it can be somewhat difficult to differentiate heel pain that is caused by cancer from heel pain that develops from some other source. In general, pain that does not improve with rest or traditional treatments should be treated with special attention from a medical professional.

This is especially the case if the heel pain is coupled with other symptoms such as weight loss or fatigue. Should you experience these symptoms concurrently, you should meet with a medical professional to see if there’s a possibility of cancer.

Some of the common diagnostic methods for determining whether heel pain is related to cancer include the following procedures:

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • X-ray
  • Bone scans
  • Biopsy

During a biopsy, a sample of tissue is taken, and the results are observed under a microscope to determine whether or not there are cancerous cells present. In general, when it comes to cancer, early detection, and treatment are considered paramount for successfully resolving the issue and preserving the health of the patient.

Many different integrative treatments can help a patient cope with cancer on top of traditional chemotherapy. Some of the more commonly utilized ones include:

  • Nutritional and dietary changes
  • Mind-body therapies
  • Immune support
  • Detox programs

In the case that heel pain is not indicative of cancer, your physician will be able to move forward with identifying the source of the pain and prescribing the appropriate treatment.

The Heel Pain Expert for California

The Heel Pain Institute of California is one of California’s most trusted experts for diagnosing and addressing heel pain issues of various stripes. If you’re concerned about some heel pain that you’re experiencing, contact our heel pain treatment institute today to discuss whether or not you make a good candidate for minimally invasive heel pain surgery.

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