What to Do for Heel Pain at Work

Heel pain is an issue that can express itself in a wide variety of ways. Sometimes, it can be mild and non-invasive, while other times it can be quite severe and deblilitating. This can especially be the case when it begins to interfere with one’s work life. Below, we cover what to do for heel pain at work.

What to Do for Heel Pain at Work

If this becomes the case, it becomes important to attempt to manage or rectify the pain in order to attempt to reduce its impact on your life. If you’re suffering from some kind of heel pain and have some FAQs about plantar fasciitis, take a look at this guide in relation to that subject.

The Causes of Heel Pain

There are many different causes of heel pain, and determining which exact one is the source of your own can oftentimes take the eye of a professional. One of the most common sources of heel pain is a debilitating condition known as plantar fasciitis.

Regardless of the exact nature of your heel pain, determining your cause and moving to rectify the issue before it becomes debilitating should be one’s main priority. This can help ensure that you don’t encounter even more challenging issues down the line that may stem from excessive heel pain and its side effects.

However, there are many different plausible sources. Setting up an appointment with your doctor can give you the strongest impression of what the source of your pain might be.

Consider Switching Footwear

Sometimes, the main culprit of one’s heel pain is the type of footwear that one is using. Wearing the wrong type of shoe can be devastating for the health of one’s feet. Especially if you’re working long hours or doing physically demanding work, wearing appropriate footwear can make a huge difference in the health of your feet.

Oftentimes, the best shoe for an individual is custom fitted for their feet, rather than being a one-size-fits-all situation. You should be able to discuss this more in-depth with your physician during your consultation with them.

Get Plenty of Exercise

There are several different types of exercises and stretches that can be beneficial to individuals suffering from heel pain. Some of the following procedures are to be practiced by those who are suffering from heel pain:

  • Calf raises: Calf raises can be effective at reducing heel pain in some individuals. These types of stretching can help circulation in the legs and feet.
  • Wall stretching: These stretches can give individuals the opportunity to increase strength and flexibility in their legs.
  • Heel rolling: Taking a tennis ball or massage roller and rolling it beneath each foot for a couple of minutes a piece can be beneficial for those suffering from plantar fasciitis and other issues of the feet.

Take Your Environment into Consideration

If you work in an industry where you’re constantly on your feet, or standing on hard surfaces such as concrete or wood, then you may be subjecting your feet to excessive amounts of stress. If you’re able to, changing up the type of surface that you stand on can be highly beneficial to preventing the development of heel pain.

In addition, placing an anti-fatigue mat of some type of soft surface can also reduce your chance of developing some type of heel pain.

Seek Out Professional Help

The above measures represent some type of moderate measures that an individual can take to address various types of heel pain. However, for more severe types of heel pain, you may need to seek out the help of a professional in order to fully rectify the type of pain that you might be experiencing.

There are certain treatments that a professional physician can administer that can help with more severe types of heel pain. Examples of these include things like MLS laser therapy, as well as platelet-rich plasma therapy. These types of therapies utilize the body’s own natural substances to accelerate healing and provide pain relief.

Physical therapy is another option for those suffering from certain types of chronic heel pain. You should be able to determine which one is more appropriate for you during a consultation with your physician prior to any work being performed.

The Heel Doctor that Southern California Trusts

The Heel Pain Institute of California is one of Southern California’s trusted resources for diagnosing and treating the various types of heel pain. If you’re suffering from this debilitating condition and would like to have a professional address, contact us today in order to set up an appointment at our heel pain treatment institute.

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