When to Get Treatment for Heel Pain?

concept image of needing treatment for heel pain

Heel pain is fairly common. Everything from growing pains to athletic activities can contribute to the occasional experience with heel pain. Fortunately, most cases of heel pain are fairly benign and will go away on their own. When to Get Treatment for Heel Pain? With that said, heel pain isn’t always temporary. Sometimes it reflects … Read more

Mobility Exercises for Heel Pain

Person massaging foot as a mobility exercise for heel pain

Heel pain is a relatively common occurrence. While conditions like plantar fasciitis can affect anyone, athletes who run, jump, and do other repetitive activities on their feet are more prone to the conditions that cause heel pain. Let’s look at some mobility exercises for heel pain and foot pain. Mobility Exercises for Heel Pain Fortunately, … Read more

Athlete-Induced Heel Spurs Guide

Woman wondering if she has athlete-induced heel spurs

Staying active is one of the best things you can do for your body. It improves respiratory and cardiac function while creating a stronger support structure for your body. Unfortunately, an active body isn’t immune to damage. In fact, being active can make you more susceptible to certain injuries and conditions, especially if you prefer … Read more

Can Shoes Cause Heel Spurs?

Woman wearing heels which are shoes that cause heel spurs

Some people walk around with heel spurs everyday and have no idea there’s an extra bony protrusion on the bottom of their heel. Unfortunately, others aren’t so lucky. For people who have larger heel spurs or wear shoes that promote the growth of heel spurs, the condition can be painful. So can shoes cause heel … Read more

Heel Pain in Young Athletes

Person with heel pain as a young athlete sitting on ground.

Young athletes have a lot on their plates. Between growing up, school, and their athletic activities they’re pretty busy by kid standards. With all of the constant activity, it’s no wonder that children’s athletic injuries aren’t always noticeable right away. They often get written off as growing pains or minor accidental injuries, but sometimes they’re … Read more

Can Kids Have Heel Pain?

Kid with heel pain at the doctor getting treated.

Can kids have heel pain? Well, children seem almost indestructible at times, bouncing back from tumbles that are almost too painful to watch. However, that doesn’t mean they aren’t just as capable of developing the same injuries as their adult counterparts. This includes heel pain. In fact, you may be surprised to know that there … Read more